About the community
The island of Madagascar is known for many things : its unique fauna, its flora, its seashores and even for the cartoon bearing it’s name but not really for its Jewish community nor for its sephardic-mizrachi nusach. Indeed, 121 men, women and children officially converted to Judaism in May 2016 after undergoing hatafat dam brit (men were already circumcised) and immersion into the mikveh through the supervision of an orthodox beit din from the US and Canada. All of the members of this newborn community may not all have the same background and if one were to ask them, answers may vary. For many, however, their search for the truth not only pertaining to faith but to who they truly are lead them to Judaism and brought many to believe that there may exist some connection between the Malagasy people and the tribes of Israel. While at first, some were hesitant to convert to Judaism, since they reasoned that, being already Jews, they didn’t have to, in the end, they made the final leap with the wholehearted conviction that it had to be done in order to truly and authentically reconnect to the Torah and the Jewish people.